Confirmed: CCP cold invasion of America as predicted in 2022 by Kevin WIkse.

Kevin Wikse CCP cold invasion confirmed

My name is Kevin Wikse. I have been termed the "King Solomon of our age." Like King Solomon, in the name of God THE Highest, I force, exorcise, and compel dark and rebellious spiritual forces to reveal the plots and conspiracies of those who summon the same spiritual forces, enticing them with offerings of human suffering in exchange for temporal power. I often then command those spirits to end the lives of those same people. Jeffery Epstein is a well-documented case of this. 

My accuracy rating is far above any other occultist, psychic, remote viewer, or medium, and they know it. They dare not speak my name; all that does is advertise my success and illustrate their failures. 

It is what it is. 

Through my Solomonic Conjurations and Remote Viewing, I have been the ONLY occultist, medium, and psychic, along with my spiritual Temple, who has the skill, the balls, the heart, the spine, and the clout to slip under the curtain and not just peer, but venture forth into the darkness. To bring to you the hidden and evil machinations which have been design to absolutely fucking ruin you. 

My contacts on the ground in Texas confirmed that, just as I predicted, channeled and remotely viewed (and DOCUMENTED at the time) starting in 2020, the Chinese military has kicked its cold invasion of the United States into high gear. In addition, the CCP has recruited, financed, and funded the hundreds and thousands of military-aged men from 100+ different countries who have come up through the southern border to be foreign mercenaries for China. 

The Biden Administration is ABSOLUTELY complicit in this action. The Biden Administration is, by all accounts, a rogue state operating outside the rule of law and committing atrocities against not only the American people but all of humanity. 

As I predicted in 2021, the current plan is an outgrowth of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Using orchestrated crisis to force political change by creating an event that would so quickly strain and overwhelm the US economy that we would be set into a free fall from which we would never recover. 

COVID-19, the Vaccines, and the Lockdowns were just the beginning. The damage the lockdowns did to our economy has not yet been felt. In addition, the flooding of America with illegal immigrants with the promises of free EVERYTHING will devour resources like a horde of locusts. This gigantic influx of immigrants will provide cover for China's cold invasion of the United States. The foreigners will be set to violence against American citizens as a vast new street army for the Democratic Party, comprised of Mexican, South American, Venezuelan, African, and Middle Eastern gangs and cartels. 

The release of deadly biological weapons is to weaken and kill off American citizens, but maintaining the physical infrastructure is critical to their overall plans. Forcing the American people into yet another lockdown to finish them off economically and once again manipulate the election results, as well as prevent and hinder Conservatives from meeting, discussing, and formulating counter-contingency plans, is also essential. 

As the Biden Administration, with NATO, loudly beat the drums of war with Russia, deploying US troops (which are now made up of Liberalextermists /Far-Leftists, Transexuals, and Pedophiles) all over Europe as a pretext for WW3, effectively removing America's principal defense force, China will make its move against us, already being INSIDE the United States, complete with an army of foreign mercenaries directed by contingencies of Chinese special forces. 

This event will likely coincide with the upcoming 2024 election, for, as I have already predicted, civil war is expected to break out. Presently, I am shown multiple timelines of how this might happen. Trump winning is one of them. Trump's assassination is another. The staged assassination of Biden is another. As I started predicting in 2019 (this is documented), I am still repeatedly shown that Michelle Obama will somehow be made the 2024 Democrat Presidential nominee. 

China will seize its opportunity to strike during this civil conflict, and it is almost assured that Antifa and BLM, as well as other DNC/Soros-funded Communist fronts, will once again take up the mantle of domestic terrorists and back the Chinese/Foreign mercenary invasion against Conservative/Patriots fighting for the soul of America. 

I have yet to begin to discuss the upcoming 2030 magnetic pole shift, which will make all this seem like a pleasant Summer day at the park. If you did not study the Georgia Guidingstones or, as I suggested before, they were removed, and then two weeks later...well, my accuracy rate is pretty fucking high. 


-Kevin Wikse


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