My 2021 to 2023 YouTube Video Removals: Guess I hit a nerve by Kevin Wikse


Kevin Wikse YouTube Video Removals

As the most banned occultist on the internet (for the RIGHT reasons), I find that my accounts and or posted content are regularly prohibited or removed for "violations" of the ever-changing "community guidelines." I am banned on:

REDDIT: Because I crippled a strategic attempt by various Liberal/Leftist groups to claim all forms of Occultism as "theirs." I coined the phrase "meds, not magic" to illustrate the mental illness that is Leftist ideologies. I clearly showed you can't practice Wicca, a reconstructionist magical religion based on ancient fertility cults, and not acknowledge biological gender and that only a MAN and a WOMAN can produce a child. I created #TrumpWizards, as well, as predicted that Trump would win the 2020 election but would be denied based on fraud, maybe even due to a convenient PLANNEDemic, something I channeled in a 2019 video and blogged about here. I was also able to uncover and expose a dangerous pedophile, turning over evidence to Texas Law Enforcement, which led to arrest and conviction. In addition, I exposed EA Koetting (Matthew Lawrence) as a Fed, a fraud, and a financial frontman for a CIA-run pro-pedophile domestic terrorist group  (Tempel Ov Blood) with deep links to M16 and Neo-Nazi. Groups in Germany looking to recruit mass shooters and murders. 

Thanks REDDIT, I had a good time. 

TUMBLR: I tricked a member of the NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) into revealing his true identity. TUMBLR removed my account a day later for "Harassment." 

YOUTUBE: I can no longer upload a clip or video using my voice or it is barred from being uploaded. This has affected the uploads I've wanted to post on my Kevin Wikse channel. I am working to get this fixed. I made a tremendous splash on YouTube and changed the trajectory of the occult world and landscape, leaving my mark upon it forever. I was the first to REALLY talk and post about the Global Pedophile Network, the Illuminati, the Global Extermination Plot, Pole Shift, and interdimenionality in 2009.  My Occult YouTube Channels have been deleted without notice and without explanation four times in the past. I am shocked my current one is still up after nearly 5 years.  

Here is a list of my videos YouTube has removed from 2021-2023; see if you can't spot a theme.

1. I predicted COVID-19 back in 2018.

2. Congo War Drums: Call to Uprise.

3. Bill Gates, China and Corona Virus.

4. My 2018 channel with GULNAD is relevant and needs to go VIRAL (see what I did there?) 

5. Kathy Hall: A funny thing happened on the way to testify against the CPS. 

6. The LAST video I will ever make (removed in under 30 minutes of posting). 

-Kevin Wikse


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