The Path to the New World by Kevin Wikse.

Kevin Wikse Predicts

I am sad and heartbroken that the state of our affairs as humans, as Americans, and as inhabitants of this Earth have reached a point of such maliciousness and evil that psychopathic violence against children is met with applause, and bills of law are passed to support it. We are on the verge of a cyclic, couple thousand-year cataclysmic event, a re-alignment of the Noth and South magnetic poles, which caused the tremendous global floods of Gilgamesh and Noah. 

Humanity teeters on the edge of oblivion. Hope for the future is now almost a stillborn dream. Don't feel bad. We have it coming. The moment we stepped off the path of common decency and began sipping from the poisoned cup of Transhumanism. Earth is for humans. If no more humans are left, the need for Earth is no more. 

Beginning in 2009, I have warned you. I have been accurate in all my predictions. I am the ONLY occultist, the ONLY remote viewer, the ONLY intuitive who has accurately and demonstratively proven time and time again to be one of the exceptionally few humans who can still bring down genuine prophecy. 

I call the middle corridor the stretch of states from Mexico to Canada. Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Colorado, South Dakota and North Dakota. The chain of these states is scheduled to become a totalitarian-driven, divide-and-conquer strategy, creating a notable demarcation of Western and Eastern US. A Chinese CCP Military /Drug Cartel joint effort establishing Military Bases at Walmarts (Operation Jade Helm) under the cooperation of a treasonous, un-elected political party with ties to the same Nazi party, members of whom came over during Operation Paperclip, utilizing non-American citizens to militarily police American citizens all under the guise of peace and protection, UN peace-keeper bullshit. 

Diversity is fun! 

The West Coastline of California and, to lesser degrees, Oregon and Washington will be targeted for fires from directed energy weapons. The East Coast, specifically Flordia and the Carolinas, will be subjected to weather manipulation and pounded by storms and hurricanes. 

The elites are doing their best to "pre-shape" the "new" America before the Pole Shift occurs. 

In the next three years, I am being shown it is incredibly likely Yellowstone, due to the weakening of electromagnetic fields, which will enable the Earth's pole to migrate, will finally erupt. The super-heated ash will be as bad as they say it will be. If you live in Wyoming now, you probably won't in the next three years. Either you left or have been rendered into a Pompeii statue. 

If you are east of Wyoming, you are going to have a bad time. The book and the movie "The Road" are based on DARPA white papers. Well-educated estimates of what the Eastern US will look like after Yellowstone. The only difference is the book and the movie had to lessen the impact felt by the Eastern part of the United States because there couldn't be a believable book or movie otherwise. 

Make sure to distinguish the blast radius from the ash cloud. The initial blast radius will obliterate Wyoming and devastate the aforementioned middle corridor states, causing enormous de-pollution (but that is three years out; before then, by creating an ideological divide using those states, the strength of our nation to reconcile and rebuild will have been cut). 

The eastern winds will spell doom for the Eastern States. 12 to 15 years of a dark, frigid ash winter will follow. The Eastern States will be cut off from the Western States, like a severely damaged limb, and left to go gangrenous and eventually die. Paradoxically, the best places will be far western Idaho, northwestern Nevada, Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. The ash will eventually fall here, too, but only after it has gone around the entire world—a dusting rather than a white-out blizzard.

In the immediate future, the disarming of the population, especially in states with Democratic Governors, will begin very soon. This limiting of gun availability will likely start between now and the next two or three weeks. They know the upcoming return to mask mandates and lockdown measures will be highly unpopular (which I warned you about on December 15th, 2022). The fear of COVID-19 (assuming you bought into the bullshit the first time) will not go over as easily. 

When the great political super debacle of 2024 occurs (and it will) and absolutely ZERO credibility remains, the Conservative Right who hasn't pre-planned their riots, pre-ordered their T-shirts, had mysterious piles of bricks delivered to street corners, or have highly insulin-dependent George Soros connected "ugly-ducklings" of the sorority house like Holly Zoller, on stand by to U-Haul over supplies, shows a high chance of genuine open and armed revolt. When that day happens, the elites know they must have the majority of guns in their possession. It is one of the only things they fear, but you would be foolish to think they do not have contingency plans. 

As I stated back in March of 2020 and again and again and again and again and again, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN. The Lockdowns are just a measure to help make that possible and keep you indoors as great infrastructural changes are made. 

This is another reason gun rights will become a substantial political focus as we move into 2024. The lockdowns will involve stealing children and THOUSANDS of them. Look at Maui; some 2000 children have just gone missing, and if you talk about it, well, those in Maui who do are being found murdered. All the standard reasons apply. Kidnapping for the global pedophile network, sacrifice, blood, and organ harvesting (these ancient billionaires want to live long enough to see their plan come to fruition)

*I remember making several blog posts detailing my remote viewing sessions, seeing whole unique ethnic people, primarily isolated Islanders, being kidnapped by paramilitary forces. The children of Lahaina, HI, I wonder if some unique genetic trait was semi-common there. 

I am told by my contacts, and in my own Remote Viewing, I have seen them, a couple of million people, genetically modified and sharing the bloodline of world-influencing families (Jeffery Epstein kept a giant sperm bank, just his sperm in his Ranch in New Mexico and often "joked" about "fathering" the "new world." Wow, I might have occultically helped take the "father" of the New World out, now that is fucking gangster HERE but that happened (3 weeks-ish) after THIS), living underground, waiting to become the replacement population after the Pole Shift. I suspect many of the missing/kidnapped children end up here (as part (maybe spare parts for) of the replacement population), and the same goes for those who are part of the Missing411 phenomenon. 

I am very soon going to start a project. There is no need to warn people anymore. I've done so since 2009 in ways that NO ONE ELSE did. I can rightly tell you no good deed goes unpunished. A Chinese CCP-run coup against the American people is happening within our Government right now. 6 months ago; I warned you that the Chinese military would begin a "drip-fed" style "cold" invasion of the United States coming up through the Southern Border, hiring and funding Mexican drug cartels as paramilitary support. That is most assuredly happening. 

Oh, weaponized drones will be used against the American people en mass by the end of 2024. So there is that. 

A fully Operation Jade Helm and powered voice-to-skull technology will make the vaxxed and boosted go insane. It is funny how the liberal left, who were the primary viewers of TV shows like "The Walking Dead," will BE "The Walking Dead." 

Trust the science...

I am done warning. Like the Georgia Guidingstones, if you didn't care to read them or study them, you probably aren't suited for the changes coming. People had their chance. Unlike the Guidingstones however, I won't remove my work. It is all backed up and screenshots taken; no, it will stay as long as the internet does. I am just refocusing my efforts. 

I am going to start focusing on community building. I have answers to questions. I have a plan. Despair has ended, and tactics have begun. You will either realize the need for a gigantic cultural perception shift or be sucked down along with the old world. I see the beauty in the upcoming world, but I also see its many dangers. I have thrown my divination. I give it to you also, as a boon, so that you may study it and glean what wisdom there is for you.



#24 Earth over Thunder " The Return," showing the beginning of another cycle at the tail end of the old. 

The changing line was at the 5th toss, justifying my mistrust of others. I must be discerning in who I align with. 

#3 Water over Thunder "Difficult Beginnings," the birth of the new world is fraught with danger. There are attempts at controlling it, which are not aligned with humanity's best interest, presently in play. 

-Kevin Wikse


  1. Virus cannot be weaponized, because they have never been proved to exist. There is not single scientific paper, neither the name of a researcher, famous for finding and isolating a virus in a 100% purity degree, following the 4 Koch Postulates.

    You can see Dr. Kary Banks Mullis, winner of the Nobel Prize for creating the PCR test, saying there is no proof, no paper, and no researcher that has ever isolated, and proved, that any kind of virus, causes HIV, here:

    But your prediction about the weaponization of a narrative using "virus" as an excuse for imposing totalitarian control upon the mass of slaves was spot on. Never trust the science, because, now, it´s just politics by another means, as Karl von Clausewitz said about War.

    Your words about the children are very interesting, because i have the same intuition that the next pandemic will be entirely focused on children, how to capture them and isolate them from their fathers.


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